Heavy Rain Causes Flooding in Hospital

Heavy rains are not unusual in Congo. But last night was so heavy, that this is what we found in the morning. Water entered everywhere in the hospital and caused a lot of damage. Right now everyone is still in shock. We are documenting and compiling information to assess the damage.

So far the following units most impacted are:
1. Imaging unit: Ultrasound and X-ray
2. Operating theatres
3. Dr. Jo’s office,
4. Patients’ wards: Orthopedics and Trauma dept, Fistula unit…
5. Physiotherapy
6. Central pharmacy
7. Patients’ kitchen

Below are some snapshots taken by staff this morning.




X-Ray unit

Level of waters

Inside operating theatre (2)

We are also looking to figure out how to prevent this in the future. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.