Covid-19 management: a promising decrease in the Delta variant

The second half of August 2021 brought back a wind of hope blowing over the city of Goma, during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. After multiple deaths recorded in July 2021 and during the first half of August 2021, a glimmer of hope has been on the horizon with the decline in Covid-19 cases observed in Goma.
During the month of August 2021, 358 suspected cases of COVID -19 were recorded at HEAL Africa Hospital, of which 30 tested positive for the coronavirus. 25 patients were cured after appropriate care and timely intervention. The hospital, on the other hand, recorded 5 deaths.
Faced with the statistics of July 2021, which reported 777 suspected cases of COVID-19, including 255 tested positive with 15 deaths at HEAL Africa hospital, the extent of the damage caused by the Delta variant of the virus is gradually decreasing.

Misinformation is killing COVID-19 victims in Goma
Many deaths recorded in COVID-19 treatment centers within the city of Goma are cases that arrive in facilities at an already critical stage of the disease. The fact is that patients who have clear symptoms of COVID-19 first proceed to self-medication which, in most cases, does not help them at all.
It is only when the patients’ health condition becomes critical that families decide to bring patients to health facilities, which significantly reduces the chance of recovery for people sick with the coronavirus. Refraining from the spread of misinformation would save dozens, if not hundreds, of lives. Misinformation kills more than the virus.
Prevention is always better than cure!
If we apply ourselves to the strict observance of barrier measures, we will surely stop the spread of the virus. These measures – proper wearing of protective masks, regular hand washing with soap and antiseptic gel disinfection, social distancing, etc. – protect us both individually and at the community level and significantly limit the spread of the virus.
The Coronavirus Vaccine is another means of protection against the pandemic. Vaccination against the Coronavirus has been organized since a few months at HEAL Africa hospital.
The AstraZeneca vaccine is available free of charge in two doses spaced by 4 weeks, at the HEAL Africa Health Centre in Goma.
Spreading the right and true information about the treatment of COVID-19 in the community would limit the delay in the path of patients to health facilities and increase their chances of recovery.