Les rapports de Goma

Stephane Alimasi, Secretaire HEAL Africa Cette guerre nous l’avons vĂ©cu dans un climat de peur, on attendait des crĂ©pitements de balles, et des bombes, nous sommes restĂ©s dans des maisons sans bouger, nous avions faim, il n’y avait pas de marchĂ© pour s’approvisionner en vivre, et  jusqu’à maintenant dans la ville de Goma,  il n’ya […]

Tomorrow is Uncertain

Updates and Letters of Appeal from Dr. Luc Malemo and Dr. Margaret Salmon Tomorrow is uncertain –Dr. Malemo From Dr. Salmon, received Wed, Nov 21, 2012: Subject: Goma, a functioning trauma center without supplies. Unacceptable Below find our chief of surgery and director of emergency medicine’s morning comment and second appeal for assistance.  HEAL Hospital […]

Patient Returning Home After Nine Year Hospitalization

After 9 years at HEAL Africa, and twelve surgeries, Nyirana Mataiya is healthy and going home. She came to HEAL Africa with a complicated fistula, a tear in the vaginal or rectal wall resulting in incontinence.  Nyirana’s fistula was the result of rape. In 2000, when she was 8 months pregnant, militias in the Masisi […]

International Day of Women March in Goma, DR Congo

“Listen to women for a more democratic future in Congo!” With this slogan, female staff of HEAL Africa took part today in the International Day of Women march in the town of Goma in the east of DR Congo. HEAL Africa’s employees donated fabric for traditional clothes to female patients in the hospital. The traditional […]

HEAL Africa Featured on the PBS Newshour

On March 7, the eve of the International Day of Women, HEAL Africa was featured on the PBS Newshour. The award winning program is known for their 35 years of solid, reliable reporting that has made the PBS NewsHour one of the most trusted news programs in television. The HEAL Africa piece was an overview of the […]