Dr.Benjamin Training in Fistula.

Dr. Benjamin receives one of five FIGO fellowships in DRC to train in fistula.
Dr. Benjamin receives one of five FIGO fellowships in DRC to train in fistula.
“I heard of the great work you are conducting here at HEAL Africa. This is what motivated me to come and experience it personally”. The First Lady, Denise NYAKERU made a visit to HEAL Africa. She was greeted by staff at the Jubilee Center, where she witnessed children practicing capoeira –and joined in! Dr. Serge, […]
Leave No One Behind-End Violence against Women and Girls Did you notice a lot of #metoo in your social media feeds this fall? If you did not, it was a global outcry from individuals who had experienced various forms of sexual harassment and assault. There were others who chose not to post, but the […]
We encourage all of our patients to pay for the services they need. The unfortunate fact is that about 30% of HEAL Africa’s patients are barely able to gather funds between family and friends to pay for their health services. Another 30% are absolutely destitute. This season we are putting our focus on raising funds for the […]
Officially, sexual violence has declined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, dubbed the ‘rape capital of the world’. But frontline workers tell a different story.
CALEDONIA, MI – The ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) announced today the accreditation of Heal Africa USA of Caledonia, MI.
“I am excited about joining the team at HEAL Africa, as it continues to offer help, hope, and healing to the eastern region of the Congo. God has truly blessed the courage, faith, and vision of those working in one of the most challenging places on earth. It is an honor to join the effort!” […]
“Rape is a weapon even more powerful than a bomb or a bullet, At least with a bullet, you die. But if you have been raped, you appear to the community like someone who is cursed. After rape, no one will talk to you; no man will see you. It’s a living death.” In conflict, […]
HEAL Africa USA and Doctors on Call for Service (DOCS) US have merged. DOCS’ focus on medical education brings added knowledge and resources to the Family Medicine Residence Program in Goma. It also provides additional resources for the Continuing Medical Education (CME) efforts in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). HEAL Africa USA and […]
Rape and gender-based violence is an issue that affects girls and women around the world. It happens in families of privilege as well as those in poverty. It occurs on university campuses, in armed forces and in offices of all kinds. It is an issue that cuts across all sectors of society, all religious groups, […]