Lyn Lusi Wins Opus Price
In November 2011, Lyn was awarded the prestigious Opus Prize which recognizes unsung heroes of any faith tradition, anywhere in the world, solving today’s most persistent social problems. The funds from that award were placed in a restricted fund to be used for specific projects that will carry on her legacy of working with women and communities in eastern Congo. Funds given in memory of Lyn will be used according to the same guidelines. To give in honor of Lyn, click here for our Give to HEAL Africa page, and please indicate your gift is for the “Lyn Lusi Memorial Fund.”
Below is Lyn Lusi speaking at Loyola Marymount University on November 2, 2011 giving her acceptance speech at the Opus Prize Awards Ceremony. She beautifully sums up the work she lived so passionately!
Lyn Lusi Memorial
Lyn Lusi was one of the co-founders of HEAL Africa. Her love for the people of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo was intensive and pervasive. During her lifetime she gave herself both personally and professionally to transform the plight of victims in the DRC.
In March of 2012 Lyn died following a battle with cancer.

The street leading to HEAL Africa is changed to remember and honor Lyn's impact.