Drugs are defined as “any substance that alters normal neural activity or interrupts neural transmission”, according to Samuel Kule, Pharmacist and Head of Pharmacy at HEAL Africa. He spoke of this definition in light of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. “At HEAL Africa’s hospital, at least one patient a month is treated […]
Secretary General of UN, Ban Ki-Moon speaks at the UN 24 June promoting new measures to halt violence against women. He referred to his visit to HEAL Africa in Goma and meetings he had with many of the women.
As part of this commemoration, a HEAL Africa team visited the internally displaced people’s (IDP’s) camp at Mugunga III where they direct relief activities to meet some of the needs of the IDP’s. HEAL Africa is focusing assistance on 600 households who are: people living with disabilities, people living with HIV, pregnant women, single women, […]
Dans le cadre de cette commemoration, une equipe de HEAL Africa a visitee le site des deplaces de Mugunga III ou l’Organisation mene des activites d’appui urgent a quelques categories de ces fugitifs. Il s’agit d’une aide a 600 deplaces vulnerables du camp de Mugunga III parmi lesquels: des personnes vivants avec handicap, les […]
<< The other surprising thing is to see that 5 other elder women have come to join the solidarity group installed here by HEAL Africa >> Affirmation of Mr. Evariste TSHISHIBANJI, Vice President of the Alaline market’s sellers committee in Goma on Friday, June 14. Speaking of the suffering that these people weakened by age […]
<<L’autre chose qui surprend c’est de voir que 5 autres vieilles femmes viennent de se joindre au groupe de solidarité et d’entraide mutuelle installé ici par HEAL Africa>>. Affirmation de Monsieur Evariste TSHISHIBANJI, Vice président de la structure des vendeurs du marché Alanine de Goma vendredi 14 juin. Parlant de la souffrance que connaissaient ces […]
The United Nations’ General Secretary, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon visited HEAL Africa this Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 at around 11 am local time during his visit to Goma, County town of the North Kivu, Province of the DRC torn by many violences caused by different wars. Accompanied by the President of the World Bank Group, Dr. […]
Seraphine Apendeki was born in Kandolo, 150 km away from the town of Kindu, in the Maniema province. Her father is now dead but she still has her mother. She got married in 1996 to Kitoko Siyaminyanga. Her husband is from Katambo, 37 Km away from Kandolo and 187 Km from Kindu. “I had six […]
La semaine du 15 au 21 Avril 2013 a été très active pour les femmes qui sont passées par HEAL Africa pour les soins, après avoir été victimes de violences basées sur le genre et violences sexuelles, qui ont eu la grâce d’aller renforcer leurs capacités auprès de partenaires de HEAL Africa, entre autre : – […]
While the armed conflicts continue in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, thousands of people who have been forced to flee from their homes struggle to survive in camps for the internally displaced around the city of Goma. Among them are several hundred people living with handicaps who have had to walk between ten and fifty […]