Books & Media

Half the Sky

Nicholas Kristoff & Sheryl Wu Dunn

Congo's Children

Kem Knapp Sawyer & John Sawyer

Dead Aid

Dambisa Moyo

The Bottom Billion

Paul Collier

The End of Poverty?


The End of Poverty

Jeffery D. Sachs

The White man’s burden

William Esterly

To Change the WOrld

James Davison Hunter

Walking with the Poor

Bryant L. Meyers

When Helping Hurts

Brian Fikkert

Tracy Kuperus, Roland Hoksbergen

Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa

Jason Stearns 

Necessary Noise: Music, Film, and Charitable Imperialism in the East of Congo

Chérie Rivers Ndaliko

The Poisonwood Bible

Barbara Kingsolver

The Heart of Darkness

Joseph Conrad 

Other Authors

  • Arturo Escobar
  • Martha Nussbaum
  • Amartya Sen
  • Michael Edwards
  • Alan Fowler
  • David Hulme


  • The End of Poverty?
  • Virunga
  • Pushing the Elephant
  • Children of Congo: From War to Witches
  • The Greatest Silence

The opinions expressed by the authors and filmmakers do not necessarily reflect the views of HEAL Africa or its employees. The purpose of these readings is to provide a general understanding of hopes and challenges confronted in international development as well as the area in which HEAL Africa works. We welcome suggestions.