Priority is given to volunteers who have specialized skills, speak French or Swahili, and/or who can stay for longer periods of time in DR. Persons who speak only English may be selected depending on the particular skills or aptitude they bring to HEAL Africa.

Volunteers are expected to provide their own transportation to and from Goma (DRC), and also their own room and board. If selected as a volunteer to assist in the DRC, HEAL Africa will assist in making lodging arrangements (though the volunteer is expected to pay for the lodging) for the duration of the service to HEAL Africa. The charges for lodging and food generally average between $55 and $70 (US dollars) per day for short term stays.

HEAL Africa is a Christian ministry that reaches out to all persons regardless of her/his religious, social, tribal, ethnic, or gender status. Volunteers who represent HEAL Africa are expected to show love and concern for all while demonstrating personal and corporate behavior consistent with the moral obligations of the Christian life.

Individuals interested in volunteering for service with HEAL Africa in DR Congo are encouraged to submit:

  • A resume or CV
  • An indication of past experience working in Africa or cross-culturally
  • An indication of the length of time available to serve
  • An indication of any strictures on the time of the year when service can take place

Interested individuals must allow adequate time for the HEAL Africa staff to examine the unique skills and abilitiesof the volunteer to see if it can find an appropriate match. The goal is to make the experience mutually beneficial and helpful to the work.

Volunteers can also assist HEAL Africa while they remain in their own communities. Opportunities include:

  1. Adopt a current HEAL Africa program to support financially.
  2. Host a gathering to share with your friends about the work done by HEAL Africa. Encourage their participation in support of one of the many programs carried out to meet the needs in DR Congo. We can supply brochures, a DVD, or other materials to assist you.
  3. Advocate for just and equitable policies toward DR Congo by government and business.
  4. Encourage your church or service club to support HEAL Africa in its work.

Volunteers from the USA or Europe are encouraged to contact HEAL Africa USA Communications and Partnerships Manager Cherry Stoltenberg at cherry@

See what AusHEAL is doing! Volunteers from Australia are encouraged to contact AusHeal at