After more than 2 weeks of training in Amsterdam, two psychologists from HEALAfrica are now certified as trainers of trainers.
These are Mr. Josué Kasereka and Mr. Idriss Kitungano, who returned from Amsterdam, Netherlands, with a certification as trainers of trainers. Upon invitation from the ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre, they were trained in psychological first aid (PSP), stress management for service providers, community mental health, stress monitoring and mentoring, intervision, and supervision.
From April 26 to May 11, 2024, Josué and Idriss shared HEAL Africa’s experience in holistic care for cases of sexual violence and gender-based violence (GBV), presenting the approaches implemented by HEAL Africa in psychosocial and mental health care in the context of Eastern DRC, where the security crisis marked by repeated wars has exacerbated issues related to sexual violence and GBV.
The 16 One Stop Centers (OSC) made available by available HEAL Africa in Eastern DRC illustrate its expertise in caring for survivors of gender-based violence. The OSCs are an approach to caring for survivors of GBV that offers a holistic response including a single point of access for medical care, psychosocial support, legal and judicial assistance, as well as socio-economic reintegration of GBV survivors.
Bringing together all these services in one place, this comprehensive care model makes this person-centered response to GBV survivors much more practical and appropriate. The approach was very well received by participants in Amsterdam and The Hague, where One Stop Centers are currently being set up to care for survivors of sexual violence and gender-based violence.