A Masisi, HEAL Africa travail avec des centres de santé et la population pour prévenir le VIH
« Avant nous ne pouvions pas savoir si une femme enceinte est atteinte du VIH Sida, mais maintenant nous avons la possibilité non seulement de le savoir, mais aussi et surtout de préserver le bébé de toute contamination au VIH. » témoigne Kakule Kakwanza, l’infirmier qui dirige le centre de santé de Busumba. Depuis que HEAL Africa […]
One Million Women Walk Out, Dance and Rise up – Demanding an End to Violence!
Rape and gender-based violence is an issue that affects girls and women around the world. It happens in families of privilege as well as those in poverty. It occurs on university campuses, in armed forces and in offices of all kinds. It is an issue that cuts across all sectors of society, all religious groups, […]
Une femme meurt après avoir été violée dans un village du Nord Kivu
Goma, 14 Janvier 2013 –HEAL Africa est profondément choquée par la mort d’une femme, violée par deux membres de sa famille dans un village au Nord Kivu, à l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo(RDC). Kahambu Buruka Baseme, femme célibataire de 32 ans est morte des suites de ses blessures, après avoir été victime d’un viol […]
Goma's situation still too perilous for far too many people
On December 17th, the United Nation’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) issued a report outlining the key issues and priorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to date. The full text of the report can be found here: North Kivu Situation Report 18 OCHA – DRC OCHA highlights and key priorities include: […]
Innovative Research at HEAL Hospital
Ultrasound-guided regional nerve block (USRNB) is a safe and simple analgesia tool for site-specific, rapid pain relief for bone and soft tissue injuries. Dr. Margaret Salmon led a study at HEAL Africa, exploring the use of USRNB. 39% of patients at the HEAL hospital and similar institutions would otherwise receive no analgesia for pain as narcotics are […]
HEAL Africa invites the youth of Goma to discuss peaceful solutions
On the 20th of November the rebel group M23 took Goma, the capital of the eastern province North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. During and after the fighting between the M23 and the Congolese army the people in Goma found themselves in an environment of violence and war. Unfortunately frustration was growing […]
HEAL Africa Report on Internally Displaced Persons
URGENT INTRODUCTION HEAL AFRICA’s mission is to preserve the dignity of all people and to improve the health of all communities. Within this framework, HEAL AFRICA’s emergency team carried out a mission to analyze the situation for people displaced by war in Mugunga and Don Bosco and to identify emergency needs there. The general […]
Interviews from HEAL Africa Patients
On Monday, November 19th, 2012, war erupted in Goma between a rebel group, called ‘M23,’ and the Congolese army. As these two armed groups engaged in a two day-long firefight, many people were displaced, wounded, and killed. By Wednesday morning, M23 had declared victory and stated that they will continue to ‘liberate’ the rest of […]
HEAL Africa's Emergency Team Rapid Assessment
The HEAL Africa team did a rapid assessment of the situation among the displaced people on Tuesday and Wednesday. HEAL Africa is working in partnership with PPSSP, a Congolese organization with ten years of experience in community development and relief work in North Kivu. They are members of the UNOCHA coordinating committee which will orchestrate […]
Interviews from Goma
Stephane Alimasi, Secretary at HEAL Africa We have lived this war in a climate of fear. We were waiting for the crackling of bullets, bombs. We stayed in our houses without moving, we were hungry, no market were open to buy food, and until now in the city of Goma there is neither water nor […]