International Day of the African Child: A Celebration alongside Displaced Children in North Kivu

Nearly 1400 children participated in the commemoration of the International Day of the African Child at the site of internally displaced persons in Bulengo, near Goma. Generally celebrated on June 16th of each year, the 2024 International Day of the African Child was commemorated on June 18th in Bulengo, where HEAL Africa and its partners […]

Nzulo: Economic empowerment of women as a rampart against gender-based violence

In Nzulo, in the territory of Masisi, a hopeful initiative is emerging to break the vicious circle of gender-based violence. Fifty-five women recently received intensive training in business skills and income-generating activities management, followed by a start-up fund allocation for their entrepreneurial activities. This approach aims to make them financially independent, thereby reducing their vulnerability […]

HOPE WALKS – HEAL Africa: 12 years of joint efforts for the elimination of clubfootin DRC

In its PONSETI Clinic, HEAL Africa Hospital welcomes many children born with clubfoot, offering them free corrective care through its partnership with HOPE WALKS. The World Clubfoot Day, normally celebrated on June 3rd of each year, was commemorated on Thursday, June 6, 2024 at HEAL Africa Hospital to align with the activities of the PONSETI […]

Capoeira: a social tool for the care of vulnerable children at HEAL Africa

For nearly a decade, capoeira has proven to be an essential element in the care of children by HEAL Africa. This practice has been integrated into internally displaced persons camps around the city of Goma, providing vital support to several hundred children affected by massive displacements resulting from the escalation of war in eastern DRC. […]